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Selectmen Minutes 06/28/2011
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
June 28, 2011

Members present:  Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Ed from R&D Paving, Lucille Noel, Thomas Houle, Walter Sanborn
Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Public Hearing

A public hearing was properly noticed and held for the Selectmen to receive and expend funds from a Hazardous Mitigation Grant.  The grant is for 75% of the cost to replace the Perry Brook Road culvert.  The amount of the grant is $116,517.  The Town will be responsible for 25% or $38,839.  There was no public comment.

Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to accept and expend a hazard mitigation grant in the amount of $116,517 to replace the Perry Brook Road culvert.  Motion passed.

The grant agreement was signed.

Other Business

2011 Paving Bids:  Nancy spoke with the Road Agent regarding the funding of the remaining paving projects.  He agreed that Smith Sanborn is not doable for this year.  He also feels that Kelley Corner Road cannot be done this year due to budgeting constraints.  Most of the funding for Pleasant Street will come out of the asphalt line (about $46K) the remaining will be funded out of the winter fund.  The Road Agent is comfortable earmarking about $35K of the winter fund budget for paving.  It seemed to be the consensus that this may not
be the best way to fund paving projects, but Pleasant Street is in dire need of paving.

Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to award the Pleasant Street paving project to R&D paving and to reject all bids on Kelly Corner Road and Smith Sanborn Road due to lack of Town funding ability.  Motion passed by a 2-1 vote (Paveglio voted no).

Salt pricing:  Jim had submitted a quotation for salt from the State bid list.  The Selectmen would like Jim to solicit some other bids.  Nancy will follow-up.

Food Pantry:  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept a donation of $55.00 from the Chichester Chicks and the Chichester Youth Association for the benefit of the food pantry.  Motion passes.

Suncook River:  Mr. DeBold brought forward a letter of support for a proposal to nominate the Suncook River into the Rivers Management and Protection Program.  Mr. DeBold feels that the letter of intent is a good starting point which will enable the Towns to evaluate long term support for the proposal.  

Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio for the Board of Selectmen to sign the letter of support for the NHDES 604(b) Proposal to Nominate the Suncook River into the Rivers Management and Protection Program.  Motion passes.  The letter was signed.

Harkness well:  Mr. DeBold met with a representative from Taskers to see if it is feasible for the Harkness’ to use the Carpenter Park well.  It is a possibility.  Mr. DeBold will follow up with the Town’s Engineer to work on specifications.  Nancy will follow-up with John Harkness.

Forestry billing:  Mr. Paveglio asked to revisit a recent Forestry violation and bill.  He feels that the person who kindled the fire should be given an opportunity to extinguish the fire themselves before dispatching equipment and personnel, which could result in a large bill.  The two recent bills were discussed.  

Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to reverse the Board of Selectmen’s decision to issue David Colbert a bill for his burn violation and to send a letter to Mr. Colbert informing him that he does not owe the bill.  Motion passes.  Nancy will send a letter to Mr. Colbert.

Junkyards:  MRI is still working with the junkyard on Route 4 and provided an update.

Community Building roof: Mr. Houle is meeting with a contractor tomorrow regarding the volunteer effort to replace the roof.  The Selectmen would like the final information by July 12th so that they can make a decision.  Lucille Noel reported that the Heritage Commission is in favor of keeping the traditional feel of Main Street and would not be in favor of a metal roof.

Historical:  There will be a picnic on July 11th at 6:30 at Thunder Bridge.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 8:12pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ________ __________________      __________________________
      Richard DeBold, Chairman D.  Michael Paveglio                                 Jeffrey Jordan